The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Like you, we are avid shooters, proud Americans, and believe in protecting our homes and family. Staying true to this belief is how Shark Coast Tactical was formed. Shark Coast Tactical is a federally licensed firearms dealer. We sell quality, affordable home defense, hunting, custom, and tactical gear. We got our name from where we call home. South of Tampa, the west coast of Florida is known as the Shark Coast. This is because some of the biggest sharks on record have been caught here. Shark Coast Tactical is a Florida company. We believe in quality, freedom, hard work, fun, and America. Get on down here and stay a while. We have the best looking women on the planet, lots of places to shoot, great gun laws, good hunting, excellent fishing, and there is always something to do or a weapon to fire.
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